How does MOPH CT support our veterans?
We support all veterans, not just those belonging to The Military Order of the Purple Heart and we do this in a number of ways by:
- Providing support to veterans in traversing the Veterans Administration System.
- Keeping veterans informed of federal and state legislation that affect them and their families.
- Administering National and State Programs such as the National Service Officer, Americanism, VA Voluntary Support , National Scholarship, ROTC and JROTC, Legislative and First Responder Programs. All of which are described in the National and State Programs Section of this website.
- Provide the opportunity to socially interact with others who have similar experiences, issues and experience in dealing with problems facing them and their families.
- Provide limited financial support to the families who have lost loved ones or are in need of help.
What advice would you give all Veterans as it relates to the VA and benefits they may be authorized?
- Above all enroll in the VA System. This is important even if a veteran already has other medical insurance. The enrollment process has improved significantly and is not that difficult. Benefits have improved significantly and although not all encompassing may provide for critical medical support in the long term.
- To get information on the health services provided by the VA and to determine your eligibility you may email or You also may call 1-877-222-8387 (VETS) for information.
Does having a Purple Heart give me additional benefits?
- YES IT DOES - When enrolling in the VA you should insure that your receipt of the Purple Heart Medal is included in your official records. Once the VA confirms your receipt of the Purple Heart Medal you will be enrolled in Priority Group 3.
- Priority Group 3 consist of
- Veterans who are former POWs'
- Those awarded the Medal of Honor
- Those awarded the Purple Heart Medal
- Veterans whose discharge was for a disability that was incurred or aggravated in the line of duty.
-Veterans with service-connected disabilities rated 10 or 20% disabling.
- Other benefits are
- You are generally not required to provide a copayment for your VA medical care. You may however be required to take a co-pay test to determine medication co-pay status. This is a means test
- You are not required to make co-pays for outpatient, inpatient or long-Term co-payments.
- If the VA adjusts your service-connected disability rating they will automatically move you to the appropriate enrollment priority group. You will not go to group lower then priority group 3.
How can I donate to the Military Order of the Purple Heart Department of Connecticut?
- We are a national non-profit 501(c) 19 Veterans Service Organization. We welcome any and all contributions. You can be assured that all donations are used in support of all veterans. You can donate to the Military Order of the Purple Heart, Department of Connecticut by sending a personal or bank check to our Department Finance Officer at the following address.
- Patriot Eldred Mathieu
Department Finance Officer MOPH CT
- 587 Bound Line Road
Wilcott,Ct 06716-2009
Please make checks payable to “MOPH”. Unfortunately we cannot accept cash donations.